Turmeric & "Goldenmilk!"


The Benefits of Turmeric and How to make delicious Goldenmilk!!

As a person in my own business …I often do a lot of the heavy lifting. As a result, I often find myself with a little twinge here or a little limp there. I almost never take a pill and I’ve got to be really desperate and in deep pain to go the pharmaceutical route …(almost never), but I choose foods & nature as my medicine. Tumeric is one of the best anti-inflammatory foods we have, and while it is almost never included in the Standard American Diet (unless you yourself are making Thai or Indian food every day), it can be incorporated into our lives through a wonderful treat called Goldenmilk …or you may see it listed as a “Tumeric Latte” in more healthy coffee shops and cafes. Now here is the clincher …do not use store bought Goldenmilk …because you do not know the health of what is coming out of that box!! As easy as it is to make your own delicious Goldenmilk, don’t cut yourself off from those benefits by not making your own from scratch!! Also, I use fresh turmeric instead of making a turmeric paste (like a lot of recipes suggest). I don’t know the health of the turmeric powder I’m purchasing …but i DO know that organic whole turmeric root is just that …straight from the earth! I always vary my recipe up a little bit - and I’ll be honest, you can’t really mess it up!! Be creative with your own desires and taste preferences, and you’ll find that this is a wonderful treat that not only is soothing to the mind, but highly effective for our hardworking bodies! Reward them!! 

*What you will need:

-High powered blender like a Vitamin (do NOT use a Nutribullet as you can’t blend hot items in a Nutribullet - which I learned about the hard way)

-fresh turmeric root

-nutbutter of choice (I love Cheryl’s Nut Butters myself)

-an oil or emulsifier (sesame oil, coconut oil, grass fed butter like Kerry Gold)


-essential oils (personal preference)

-a healthy sweetener (honey, monk fruit, stevia)


Turmeric is your base, so start with about a thumb width piece of turmeric (1 inch x 1/2 inch …you can always go stronger if you prefer). With a peeler, take off the outer layer of skin then drop peeled tumeric in your blender.

Black Peppercorns (about 5 or 6) I like using fresh peppercorns and grinding them with the mortar/pestle, but fresh pepper is also ok. I’m just crazy on wanting everything to be as fresh as possible because then your time is THAT much more effective with your fresh ingredients. DO NOT leave out the peppercorns / pepper as the Black Pepper makes the turmeric (and its key ingredient Circumin) 1000 times more effective and bioavailable inside your body and digestion system. Don’t cut off your turmeric by leaving out the pepper. it DOES add heat - but its a good heat! 

Take about a tablespoon of your nut butter (this is your “latte” base). I like almond butter, but you can use cashew, peanut or pecan …as long as they are healthy, non GMO nuts, preferably raw. 

I add a Tablespoon of butter or coconut oil …sometimes I change it up and use a few drops of sesame oil (this is strong - you don’t need alot of it). Oil and/or butter adds good healthy fats to the drink and along with the nut butter provide a richness to augment the taste of the turmeric. 

I tend to put essential oils wherever i’m able. I add them to cocktails, lattes, teas, food, etc etc. I put a drop of DoTerra Lemon oil and a drop of DoTerra Tumeric oil in my latte …not necessary  …but just more healthy benefits. 

Add in a few drops of Stevia or whatever healthy sweetener you like. *Note: Truvia, anything with Aspartame are NOT plant based and are just more toxification your body has to deal with. Do not use them! The ONLY healthy sweetener is plant-based Stevia, Honey, Monk Fruit or Coconut Sugar. Use Coconut Sugar sparingly as Its high calorie with not many benefits. Honey is also high calorie, but the health benefits are tremendous. That is a decision that is a trade-off and up to personal preference. I’ve even added Bee Pollen as a sweetener before! 

Finally - add your hot water! I usually fill up the cup I plan to use about 3/4 full from the instant hot (or from the kettle). That’s your automatic way to measure to insure your beautiful Goldenmilk is the right size for your cup! Go ahead and blend it up really good to get everything fully emulsified and incorporated together into a luscious, velvety texture. Top with cinnamon and/or nutmeg and enjoy!!!

Optional add-in’s: Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg …all complementary flavors to Goldenmilk. Be careful with ginger …it can be strong! <3