My little dove visit


Having always had a very strong connection to animals, I grabbed up this Sprit Animal Oracle Deck as soon as I saw it. I believe the Vast Universe & God in His unique ways speak to us every second of our day. ts just up to us to tune in …through flowers, walks, relationships, symbols …there are messages for us everywhere! I’m really enjoying this sweet little animal deck …and I draw out the Frog spirit a good bit of the time (a card that encourages de-cluttering ...and since I’m currently in the middle of a deep re-org of my office, that’s appropriate). But today The Dove showed herself. The Dove encourages one to “Find peace and to BE peace." I sat for a while and thought about what it meant to BE peace. It sounds nice and flowery …until you actually think it through.

Its HARD to actually BE peace. Its not simple either...not just a mere attempt at absorbing the road rage instead of lashing out, or to share a peaceful meme among our social following. Its tough and actually requires some work. Its being willing to examine & understand the tools & ammunition that live inside our pre-written stories we bring to the table. Its the willingness to excavate our own blind spots, the consent to be wrong and the courage to sit in the tension of that. I think this time in history we are currently experiencing, we are in a prime spot to allow our hearts and spirit to learn this SUPREMELY important series of lessons. We are always encountering something or someone that we perceive as “up against us,” whether it be politically, culturally or socially. I think self-awareness can also quite easily become the first to go when we go into defense mode. But to sit, listen, not pre-conceive our rebuttal, truly honor the differences we have with all the tension in our bodies it brings, and be willing to allow that …that is a worthy worthy exercise in raising our hearts to a higher spiritual level of being. I’m both happy & challenged the little dove visited me this morning …because this kind of Peace …the kind of Peace that requires work, real vulnerability is a big ask. But I think its also the path that is truly worthy of all human spirit … and leads to restoration of what often seems too overwhelming to heal …both in ourselves and our circles all around us.